A message to our partners
Like you, ClimateWorks Foundation is monitoring the fast-evolving developments related to Covid-19 and we have taken a series of steps to protect the well-being of our staff, their families, our partners, and the wider communities in which we live. These steps are in accordance with guidance and recommendations issued by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and other health agencies including the San Francisco Department of Public Health.
In this post, I wanted to share three decisions we’ve made that will impact how we work over the coming weeks. We will continue to monitor the situation closely and adjust our decisions based on the best available information.
First, effective Thursday, March 12, we are asking all employees in our San Francisco office to work remotely through the end of March and our office will be officially closed during this time. If you were scheduled to meet at ClimateWorks during this time, the ClimateWorks staff member(s) you were scheduled to meet with will be in touch with you to reschedule or set up alternative meeting logistics (e.g., via videoconference).
Second, we are rescheduling our larger convenings through the end of April. If you are scheduled to participate in a ClimateWorks-hosted gathering between now and the end of April, you will be notified in the coming days about specific changes. At this point, we have not made decisions to change any convenings taking place in May and beyond. We will contact you if that changes.
Third, we have suspended staff business travel to CDC Level 3 and Level 2 countries until further notice, and have strongly discouraged all other international and domestic travel unless business-critical.
Finally, while this global pandemic is impacting how we are working over the coming few weeks (and perhaps longer if necessary), it is not stopping our work. We have been preparing since last year to preserve “business continuity” in circumstances that would require staff to be out of the office for a period of time, and that preparation is paying off now. We know that all of our grantee partners are experiencing similar disruptions and prioritizing the health and well-being of their staffs and communities, and we fully support that focus. While there will be challenges for all of us to overcome in the weeks ahead, we are confident that ClimateWorks and the wider climate community will be able to continue our crucial work together in this unusual time.
If you have any questions, concerns, or suggestions, please do not hesitate to contact the ClimateWorks team. We wish you all good health in the weeks and months ahead!