Regional partners

We collaborate with a global group of regional climate foundation partners.

These organizations are central to developing and implementing a diverse set of philanthropic strategies designed to achieve large-scale greenhouse gas emissions reductions in the countries where they operate.

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To develop and advance these strategies, ClimateWorks works closely with regional grantmaking institutions. These partners design and lead regionally based strategies, building on their on-the-ground expertise in the regions where they operate. Working with a host of local grantees, they fund grant portfolios to pursue regional initiatives. We coordinate with these organizations and initiatives in order to continuously adapt our efforts in pursuit of climate solutions.

African Climate Foundation

The African Climate Foundation is the first African-led strategic grantmaker working at the nexus of climate change and development. With a vision of a vibrant and climate-resilient Africa in which inclusive socio-economic development delivers sustainable and equitable growth, the foundation works to catalyze new ideas and advocates for climate resilience solutions; support and amplify the voice and agency of a capacitated, well-resourced, independent, and multi-disciplinary African climate movement; unlock new opportunities for climate change interventions; and transform key economic sectors in Africa to ensure social, economic and climate resilience.

Ana Toni, formerly of Instituto Clima e Sociedade, on how collaborating with ClimateWorks has impacted their work.

Climate and Land Use Alliance 

The Climate and Land Use Alliance (CLUA) seeks to realize the potential of forested and agricultural landscapes to mitigate climate change, benefit people, and protect the environment. The Alliance’s members include ClimateWorks, the David and Lucile Packard Foundation, the Ford Foundation, and the Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation. Each of the member foundations brings to this mission distinct organizational perspectives and priorities that inform the development of CLUA strategies and their implementation in Brazil, Indonesia, Mexico and Central America, the U.S., and globally.

Energy Foundation China

Energy Foundation China is committed to safeguarding the environment and climate through research, education, advocacy, and community engagement. Headquartered in California with a China representative office in Beijing since 1999, Energy Foundation China’s mission is to achieve greenhouse gas emissions neutrality, world-class air quality, energy access, and green growth. The organization fulfills its mission through grantmaking to policy research groups, industry associations, academic institutions, and non-governmental organizations for projects related to policy research, education, and capacity building. Energy Foundation China grants to support an array of initiatives that include environmental education programs, policy research projects, and decarbonization initiatives in areas of clean power, industry, transportation, low-carbon cities, environmental management, low-carbon economic growth, and strategic communications.

European Climate Foundation

European Climate Foundation (ECF) was established in 2008 as a major philanthropic collaboration to promote climate and energy policies that greatly reduce Europe’s greenhouse gas emissions; ensure the necessary transformation from a high-carbon to a low-carbon economy, and help Europe play an even stronger international leadership role to mitigate climate change. Europe is positioned to demonstrate how the challenges of the low-carbon transition can be responded to in a complex setting of 28 diverse, but democratic nations. It is of strategic importance for the global transition to a low-carbon economy that Europe can provide reference points that are seen by other global players as relevant and credible. In support of this goal, across all its programs, ECF provides thought-leadership, creates a robust evidence base to underpin the case for change, disseminates facts and raises awareness through broad-based communications efforts, and convenes stakeholders that are critical to decision-making processes.

Iniciativa Climatica de Mexico

Iniciativa Climatica de Mexico (ICM) supports climate action in Mexico and the country’s efforts to be a global leader in mitigating climate change. ICM makes grants to support civil society and non-profit organizations, convenes decision-makers and other key stakeholders, produces technical research, and helps attract philanthropic resources to mitigate climate change in Mexico. ICM programs focus on decarbonizing the electricity sector, low-carbon transportation, and national climate policy.

Instituto Clima e Sociedade

Instituto Clima e Sociedade (iCS) envisions a prosperous and just Brazil leading the transition to limit global average temperature increase to 1.5°C. iCS is a hub for philanthropy in Brazil, providing grant support to civil society, academic, and government institutions and convening diverse stakeholders to catalyze action on climate policy, clean and efficient electricity, and urban mobility.

U.S. Energy Foundation

Founded in 1991, U.S. Energy Foundation works to secure a clean and equitable energy future to tackle the climate crisis. U.S. Energy Foundation supports education and analysis to promote non-partisan policy solutions that advance renewable energy and energy efficiency while opening doors to greater innovation and productivity—growing the economy with dramatically less pollution, benefiting everyone. Grantees include business, health, environmental, labor, equity, community, faith, and consumer groups, as well as policy experts, think tanks, universities, and more.


ViriyaENB is the first Indonesian-led climate foundation, dedicated to supporting Indonesia in achieving net-zero emissions, underpinned by an equitable and regenerative economy by mid-century. With a specific emphasis on accelerating decarbonization in energy-related sectors, ViriyaENB serves as a strategic grantmaker, capacity builder, convener, and thought partner.