Kwan Hong Teoh
Product Manager, Global Intelligence
Kwan Hong Teoh is the Product Manager of Global Intelligence. In this role, Kwan guides the strategic development of Global Intelligence knowledge products, which involves connecting organizational and department goals, stakeholder feedback, and emerging climate change questions to drive the development of Gtel products. He project manages product production and release and facilitates cross-team work, ensuring the alignment of Gtel with cross-departmental and organizational needs.
Formerly, Kwan was the Environmental Health, Research Manager at As You Sow, where he supported consumer protection cases and also managed aspects of corporate shareholder activism campaigns. Prior to that he has a history in agroecological research and grassroots organizing.
Kwan has a M.S. in Grassland Ecology from South Dakota State University and bachelors in Fine Arts, and Plant Biology, with a minor in Forestry from UC Berkeley.