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Press Release Cooling

Statement from the Clean Cooling Collaborative in support of the Global Cooling Pledge

DUBAI — December 5, 2023 — In support of the Global Cooling Pledge announced today, led by the COP28 United Arab Emirates Presidency with the Cool Coalition as a delivery partner, Clean Cooling Collaborative director Noah Horowitz issued the following statement: 

“With the gap in global access to cooling growing and heat waves increasing in frequency and intensity, the time to act on cooling is now.

We are pleased to see the international community recognize the urgent need for action on cooling and strongly endorse the implementation of the Global Cooling Pledge. We are delighted to see the diverse, high-impact set of commitments for countries joining forces to mitigate and adapt to extreme heat.

To make the successful implementation of the pledge a reality, we are committed to collaborating with the UNEP-led Cool Coalition and other stakeholders. We especially support the focus on protecting those who are most vulnerable to extended exposure to extreme heat.

The Clean Cooling Collaborative (CCC) is a global philanthropic program focused on reducing emissions from the cooling sector. We aim to curb greenhouse gas emissions caused by mechanical cooling and to make energy-efficient, climate-friendly cooling a reality for all.

Working collaboratively with our funding and implementing partners, we support projects that provide gigaton-scale emissions reductions and improve access to clean cooling. As a supporter of Cool Coalition, we recognize the importance of organizations, companies, and governments collectively working together to build a global agenda that will catalyze more action toward energy-efficient, climate-friendly cooling policies, financing, and technology solutions for the world.

The Global Cooling Pledge represents a unique opportunity to act. We have strong political momentum to take immediate steps to reduce emissions with measures that will continue improving the sustainability of cooling appliances, scaling deployment of sustainable passive and mechanical cooling, and increasing access for those most vulnerable.”

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Published December 5, 2023

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