Achieving global climate goals by 2050: Pathways to a 1.5° C future
Achieving global climate goals by 2050: Pathways to a 1.5° C future
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Our report provides an overview of the potential pathways for net-zero CO₂ emissions by midcentury.
This is the second edition of ClimateWorks’ report on achieving global climate goals by 2050, following an inaugural 2020 report. For the first time, it includes an additional Ensemble of scenarios, which helps capture a more nuanced story about the linkages and trade-offs inherent in any given climate change mitigation strategy. Philanthropy and the broader climate solutions community can use the findings highlighted in the report as a resource to better understand how emissions reduction opportunities are distributed across sectors and geographies — and the transformations needed to achieve 1.5° C targets.
Report highlights
- Priorities for emissions reductions across geographies and sectors
- An Ensemble of scenarios that highlights linkages and trade-offs of prioritizing certain sectors or interventions
- The ability to track current emissions from the source all the way to the end uses
- Recommended priorities for a future research agenda
- Three downloadable datasets including report graphics, broader greenhouse gas inventory data, and IPCC-formatted data for wider comparability
About ClimateWorks Global Intelligence
In partnership with a global network of grantees, grantmakers, and researchers, ClimateWorks Global Intelligence provides insights to help grantmakers build and execute transformative climate strategies.