Leaders call for bold climate action at COP28

Forty-seven leaders from Latin America, the Caribbean, Southeast Asia, and West Africa released open letters calling on world leaders at COP28 to accelerate bold climate action. 

Ambitious climate action is good for people and development. Transforming our sectors and systems today means building the green economy of the future. It’s about seizing the opportunities for cleaner and healthier environments, better jobs, new industries and innovations, and reducing the risks of climate-related disasters. It is also about recognizing the hard decisions and working through them collaboratively to ensure a just and equitable transition for all.

COP28 is the most significant climate accountability moment to date. Our actions this year will set the course for the future of the fight against climate change. Inclusive and regionally considered solutions must be the centerpiece of the political outcomes of the Global Stocktake, at COP28 and beyond. In the open letters, leaders outline challenges and opportunities for climate action in each region and call for leaders to move positive tipping points forward, address gaps, and drive course-correcting transformations.

Read the open letters below:


Signatories represent regional hub members of the independent Global Stocktake, a coalition of organizations worldwide that provide technical input in the Global Stocktake process. Together, they are working to ensure world leaders respond strongly to the Global Stocktake at COP28 and beyond.

“Correcting the course of climate action in the region to comply with the Paris Agreement requires more inclusive and transparent conversations and processes in decision making. With the GST results, countries are expected to submit more ambitious climate commitments in 2025. The new commitments must be much more ambitious, transparent and accompanied by a roadmap to ensure their implementation.”
Mariana Gutiérrez Grados
Coordinator of the iGST LAC hub and climate policy manager at ICM

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